How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines Manually

Do you know what it means to submit a website to search engines? For those of you who are still in the early stages of learning to create a website, you may be confused by the term submit website.

Submitting your website to search engines means adding your website to search engines so that it is indexed by these search engines. The goal is that if someone is looking for information via search engines, your website will appear on search engine results pages.

So, in this article, we will discuss the following:

Do you want to know how the details? Read the discussion in this article!

Is It Necessary to Submit a Website to Search Engines?

Actually it is not necessary because today the way search engines work is very sophisticated. Even without you registering, search engines will also detect the existence of your website, even though the website is new.

Back in the late 90s there were many service providers called Search Engine Submission, namely website submission services to various search engines. Now such service providers are increasingly rare. Even if there is, it won’t work anymore. The search engine submission process now happens automatically.

You only need to wait for some time to be able to find your website via the search engine results page. Usually within one week the new website has been indexed by search engines. If the website is created with WordPress, the process is even faster.

WordPress has a ping feature which will send notifications to search engines automatically when new content is posted on the website. That’s why websites that are frequently updated will be visited more frequently by search engines so that they rank better on search pages.

To check whether your website has been indexed by search engines, you only need to look for it via a search engine by typing in the URL address of the website’s homepage, for example “”. If your website appears on search engine results pages, it means it has been indexed by search engines.

Especially for Google and Bing, there is another, more effective way to check whether your website has been indexed or not, namely with the “site:” operator. For example, type “” in the Google or Bing search box and then press Enter.

However, if for more than one week it turns out that your website has not appeared on the search engine results page, there is a possibility that a problem has occurred on your website so that the search engine has been indexing it for a long time.

You can try to submit the website to search engines manually. But you don’t need to submit to all search engines, just the popular ones, namely Google, Bing, Baidu and Yandex.

Do you need to pay to submit a website to search engines?

No need. You can submit your website to search engines for free. You only need to pay if you want to advertise through the PPC program provided by Google Adwords.

Here’s how to manually submit a website to Google, Bing, Baidu and Yandex.

Submit Website to Search Engine Google

submit website ke google

Google is the most popular search engine in the world with a market share of 90%, the highest compared to other search engines. In Indonesia, the market share even reaches 98%.

Here’s how to manually submit a website to the Google search engine:

Submit Website to Search Engine Bing

submit website ke bing

Bing is a search engine created by Microsoft and has been operating since 2009. Bing has a market share of around 3%, ranking second after Google. In Indonesia, the market share is around 0.4%.

Here’s how to submit a website to the Bing search engine manually:

Submit Website to Search Engine Baidu

submit website ke baidu

Baidu is the most popular search engine in China. Globally, Baidu’s market share is only around 2%, while in Indonesia it only reaches 0.03%.

Here’s how to manually submit a website to the Baidu search engine:

Submit Website to Search Engine Yandex

submit website ke yandex

Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia. Globally, Yandex’s market share is around 0.6%, while in Indonesia it only reaches 0.01%.

Here’s how to manually submit a website to the Yandex search engine:


Submitting your website to various search engines such as Google and Bing manually can speed up the website index process. Especially if after a while published it turns out that the website doesn’t also appear on the Google search page.

But don’t expect that in a short time your website will immediately appear on search engine results pages. You still have to wait for some time after submitting the website.

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