3 Tips for Choosing a Domain Extension for Your Website

Every time you register a new domain name, you will definitely be faced with two choices of domain extensions namely gTLD (generic Top Level Domain) and ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain). This will probably make you confused.

What are gTLD and ccTLD? To be clearer, I will first discuss briefly what the differences between the two types of domains are.

What are gTLD and ccTLD?

domain .com

gTLD or generic Top Level Domain is a domain that is used for general purposes. These domains can usually be registered by anyone, although some domain extensions are restricted.

Examples of gTLD domain extensions that are quite popular are .COM, .NET, and .ORG.

ccTLD or country code Top Level Domain is a domain that is used with a specific purpose that represents a certain country area. These domains can usually only be registered by someone who lives or works in that area.

Examples of ccTLD domain extensions are .ID (Indonesia), .AU (Australia), and .UK (United Kingdom).

Now you know the difference between gTLD and ccTLD domains.

The question now is what should you consider when choosing a domain extension?

There are 3 factors that you should consider, which are as follows:

  • Top Priority Are .COM Extensions
  • What Type of Website Are You Building?
  • Adjust With Marketing Targets

Do you want to know the details of these three factors?

Below I will discuss in more detail the 3 factors to consider when choosing the domain extension.

Top Priority Are .COM Extensions

domain seo

According to W3techs.com, the .COM domain extension is the most popular Top Level Domain and is used by 52.6% of websites in the world. The question is why is the .COM domain extension more popular than other TLDs?

The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factor is the main reason why .COM domain extensions are preferred. It’s no secret that domains with the .COM extension are more trusted by search engines, which means websites with the .COM extension are easier to rank well in search results.

Another reason is the target audience. In general, people create websites with target visitors from all over the world. Especially if the website is used for business purposes. That’s why gTLD domains with the .COM extension are more popular.

Websites with the .COM extension give visitors the impression that the website is for everyone, not just the local community. Even so, there are also many websites with ccTLD domains but the majority of visitors are from abroad.

Unfortunately choosing a domain name with the gTLD domain extension is very difficult. Why? Because almost all domain names with unique names and popular keywords both in English and other languages have been registered.

With some of the considerations above, while conditions are still possible and there are no regulations that require you to use a certain domain extension, then prioritize choosing .COM.

What Type of Website Are You Building?

tipe website

Even though gTLD domains are more popular, that doesn’t mean you have to always use gTLD domains for your website.

There are several types of websites that should use a ccTLD domain. Examples are school websites, college websites, and government websites.

If you want to create a website of the type above, it is recommended that you should use the ccTLD domain extension because it is better.

Adjust With Marketing Targets

target pemasaran

If you are creating a website targeting local marketing such as restaurants, catering, cafes or home industries, it is highly recommended to use a ccTLD domain such as .ID or .CO.ID for Indonesia because it will be easier to attract local visitors.

Why is it easier for ccTLD domains to attract local visitors?

FIRST, a ccTLD domain provides greater opportunities for your website to get a good position on search engines when users search based on certain countries.

SECOND, websites with ccTLD domains give the impression that their location is closer to where visitors live, so they are more comfortable making transactions.


When choosing a domain extension, you must consider the purpose of the website that you will create and the rules that may require you to use a certain domain extension.

If you are creating a general-purpose and global website, then you should use a gTLD domain extension such as .COM, .NET or .ORG. However, if you are creating a website for a school, college, government, you should use the ccTLD extension.

Those are some considerations that you can use, whether to use a gTLD domain or a ccTLD domain when creating a website.

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