Before you cancel your free trial, make sure to take a look at our Documentation page. You may be able to find a solution to your issue. If not, you can get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to help.
If you’re sure there’s nothing we can do and you’d still like to cancel your free trial, take the following steps:
- Login to your Sorsawo Digital account.
- Once logged in, click the Licenses menu item on the left of your screen.
- Select the plugin you’d like to cancel.
- Once selected, a window will open where you can see how long you have left in your trial. Here you’ll see red Cancel Trial text. Click this to cancel your trial.
- Once clicked, the page will refresh and indicate your trial has canceled.
- A popup will appear asking you for your feedback. We’d love to know how we can serve you better, so please do fill this out if you have the time.