Sorsawo Digital Blog

Articles and tutorials about WordPress and website design

6 Web Hosting Types You Must Consider

Web hosting is a type of Internet service that provides a server and its supporting facilities that allow you to publish your website on the Internet so that it can be accessed from all over the world for 24 hours. In general, there are currently 6 popular types of web hosting, namely: How to choose … Read more

10 Ways to Choose a Unique and Interesting Domain Name

The domain name is one of the factors that determine the success of a website. A domain name that is unique, short and easy to remember will certainly make a deep impression on visitors. Especially if the website has a very interesting design and content. Ideally, in choosing a domain name you should pay attention … Read more

10 Most Popular Online Payment Methods in the World

Manual payment methods, both through ATMs and Internet banking, are widely used by online stores. The working principle is very simple. After the customer transfers money, the online shop owner then checks the payment and then the goods will be sent. If there are still a few transactions that occur at online stores, it’s not … Read more

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Hosting for Your Website

Choosing hosting is one of the steps that you have to go through when creating a website. For some people, this stage is quite confusing because there are so many hosting service providers. It must be admitted that choosing the right hosting is not easy. You must be observant in making choices. Why? Because each … Read more

3 Tips for Choosing a Domain Extension for Your Website

Every time you register a new domain name, you will definitely be faced with two choices of domain extensions namely gTLD (generic Top Level Domain) and ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain). This will probably make you confused. What are gTLD and ccTLD? To be clearer, I will first discuss briefly what the differences between … Read more

3 Main Purpose of Search Engines You Must Know

Who doesn’t know Google? Everyone already knows and has ever used Google. Yes, Google is the most popular search engine today. However, do you know what the main purpose of search engines like Google is? In this article I will specifically discuss the main purpose of search engines such as Google, Bing and friends. Search … Read more

7 Most Popular Search Engines in the World

Currently Google is the most popular search engine in the world. Supported by the very high popularity of Android-based phones, it’s no wonder that Google is known by almost everyone around the world. With a market share of more than 70%, Google is the main target for online marketing. Therefore, everyone is competing so that … Read more